What are technical support tools?
- Kondensatoren /
- Induktivitäten (Spulen) /
- EMV-Bauelemente /
- HF-Komponenten /
- Schutzbauelemente /
- Übertrager >
- Keramik-Vielschichtkondensatoren (MLCC) /
- Chip Beads /
- 3-Leiter-Durchführungsfilter /
- Entstörfilter /
- Balun /
- Leistungsteiler / Splitter /
- Chip Varistors / Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors /
- Impuls-Übertrager und LAN Module
A. These tools are to help you design virtual circuits. They include multi-purpose simulator models using S-parameters and Netlists, models for other commercial simulators, and "SEAT," which is a component characteristic analyzing software.