What is the difference between the multi-purpose model and the exclusive model for commercially available simulators?
- Kondensatoren /
- Induktivitäten (Spulen) /
- EMV-Bauelemente /
- HF-Komponenten /
- Schutzbauelemente /
- Übertrager >
- Keramik-Vielschichtkondensatoren (MLCC) /
- Chip Beads /
- 3-Leiter-Durchführungsfilter /
- Entstörfilter /
- Balun /
- Leistungsteiler / Splitter /
- Chip Varistors / Ceramic Transient Voltage Suppressors /
- Impuls-Übertrager und LAN Module
A. Basically, the two models are the same. However, the exclusive model for commercially available simulators has more features. For example, the exclusive model can layout components easily using a pallet and can confirm land patterns.