FAQ (diese Inhalte sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar) ProduktkategorienKondensatoren Induktivitäten (Spulen) EMV-Bauelemente HF-Komponenten Schutzbauelemente Sensoren und Sensorsysteme Keramische Schalt- / Heizelemente und Piezo-Komponenten, Schütze, Signaltongeber und Mikrofon Übertrager Ferrite und Zubehör Stromversorgungen und AC Power Quellen Magnete Produktkategorien Kondensatoren Induktivitäten (Spulen) EMV-Bauelemente HF-Komponenten Schutzbauelemente Sensoren und Sensorsysteme Keramische Schalt- / Heizelemente und Piezo-Komponenten, Schütze, Signaltongeber und Mikrofon Übertrager Ferrite und Zubehör Stromversorgungen und AC Power Quellen Magnete Facet FAQ Search List - Product Categories L1 ProduktkategorienKeramik-Vielschichtkondensatoren (MLCC) 3-Leiter-Durchführungskondensatoren Chip Beads Entstörfilter 3-Leiter-Durchführungsfilter Balun Leistungsteiler / Splitter Überspannungsschutz Impuls-Übertrager und LAN Module Produktkategorien Keramik-Vielschichtkondensatoren (MLCC) 3-Leiter-Durchführungskondensatoren Chip Beads Entstörfilter 3-Leiter-Durchführungsfilter Balun Leistungsteiler / Splitter Überspannungsschutz Impuls-Übertrager und LAN Module Facet FAQ Search List - Product Categories L2 Facet FAQ Search List - Product Categories L3 Product Categories 製品カテゴリ Produktkategorien 产品类别 KategorienProdukte Messwerte Technische Parameter Umweltverträglichkeit Produktqualität und Betriebsdauer Struktur, Material Technical support tools Weiteres Kategorien Produkte Messwerte Technische Parameter Umweltverträglichkeit Produktqualität und Betriebsdauer Struktur, Material Technical support tools Weiteres Facet FAQ Search List - FAQ Category 1 Product Categories L1 ProduktkategorienKondensatorenInduktivitäten (Spulen)EMV-BauelementeHF-KomponentenSchutzbauelementeSensoren und SensorsystemeKeramische Schalt- / Heizelemente und Piezo-Komponenten, Schütze, Signaltongeber und MikrofonÜbertragerFerrite und ZubehörStromversorgungen und AC Power QuellenMagnete Product Categories L2 Produktkategorien Product Categories L3 Produktkategorien FAQ Category KategorienProdukteMesswerteTechnische ParameterUmweltverträglichkeitBetriebsanleitungOperativen Beschreibungen nach ZweckProduktqualität und BetriebsdauerElektrische AusfallsicherheitStruktur, MaterialTechnical support toolsFehlersucheWeiteresÜber myTDK Produkte Q. Is an explanation of the basics of an inductor (a coil) available? Q. Please explain how an inductor (a coil) functions. Q. What is the Q value of an inductor (a coil)? Q. Why is inductance specified by numbers such as 1, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, etc.? Q. What is SRF (self-resonant frequency)? Q. Please explain the types of inductors (coils) and their differences. Q. Would it be safe to use an inductor in which a current exceeding the rated current flows momentarily? Q. Would it be a problem to use inductors in parallel? Q. Please provide a basic explanation of the process for choosing an inductor. Q. There are direction identification markings on some products. What are those markings for? Q. I would like to use high frequency inductors for impedance matching. Which products do you recommend? Q. I do not understand how the direction identification markings on the MLG/MHQ series inductors correspond to each other. Q. Which inductor is recommended for smoothing a power circuit? Q. Why are the characters such as "4R7" or "100" printed on some products? Messwerte Q. When I measured the inductance of another company's product that is supposed to have the same inductance, it showed a different value. Why is that? Technische Parameter Q. Where can I see the inductance value for the frequency at which I would like to use the inductor? Q. Please explain the specifying condition for the inductance value of a multilayer inductor for high frequency circuits. Q. Please explain the specifying condition for the rated current of a multilayer inductor for high frequency circuits. Q. Do multilayer inductors for high frequency circuits experience a decrease in inductance due to DC current (DC bias characteristics)? Q. Please explain the specifying conditions for the rated current of inductors for power circuits (Power Inductors). Q. What is the DC bias characteristic of an inductor for power circuits? Q. In there aging? Umweltverträglichkeit Q. Do the inductor products of TDK support lead-free soldering? Produktqualität und Betriebsdauer Q. What is the FIT (Failures in Time) of your inductors? Struktur, Material Q. What is the Gigaspira structure of multilayer inductors? Please explain its features. Q. Since it seems that inductors for high frequency circuits uses dielectric ceramics as the their material, I am concerned about magnetic flux leaking out. Q. Please explain the types of core materials for inductors for power circuits (Power Inductors) and the characteristic differences among them. Q. What is a "magnetic shield type" inductor for power circuits? Q. Does singing become an issue with inductors, as in the case of multilayer ceramic capacitors? If so, what countermeasures can be taken? Q. How can I check each product for compliance with AEC-Q200 (an automotive electronics standard)? Seitennummerierung Aktuelle Seite 1 Seite 2 Nächste Seite Next › Letzte Seite Last »