Flex Crack Countermeasures (2): Why do flex cracks occur?
  • Capacitors
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  • Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors

A. The dielectric material in an MLCC is a ceramic compound. Ceramics, by nature, are brittle materials that are strong under compression, but weak under tension.

The ceramic's brittle nature does not allow for plastic deformation. If the mechanical stress induced on an MLCC is too great, the part will crack as a method of reducing this stress.

MLCCs will rarely crack during a concave bend of the PCB, because the forces exerted on the part are compressive during these bends (Figure 1).
MLCC's are very susceptible to cracking during a convex bend of the PCB, because the part is undergoing tension (Figure 2).

Figure 1: An MLCC on a PCB undergoing compressive forces due to a concave bend

Figure 2: An MLCC on a PCB undergoing tensile forces due to a convex bend

>>Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors Product site
>>Flex Crack Countermeasures in MLCCs Outline

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